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法制环境建设对于我国医疗行业健康发展和医师权益保障有着深刻的影响。本文基于对我国医师执业环境研究文献的考察和评析,突出强调医疗法制研究的重要意义,重点探讨医疗法制环境研究可以采用的建构性和评价性两个基本路径,进一步阐明法律规范分析和社会实证分析两种基本研究方法。  相似文献   
语言是随着经济、社会、文化的发展而不断发展的。我们所处的时代瞬息万变,汉语新词语不断涌现。对此,学界存在着或否定或欢迎等不同态度。我们认为,吐故纳新是汉语的一大特性,我们应坚持开放宽容而又积极规范的态度,一方面大胆包容新词语不断出现的现象,一方面采取一定的措施加强语言的规范管理,处理好语言共性与个性的关系,使汉语发展既保持稳定性又富于创造性。  相似文献   
理论上,公司章程是公司的"宪章",形式上公司章程是公司进行登记、取得公司资格的不可或缺性要件,而实际上,在我国,公司章程并未完全发挥其应有的作用,面临着尴尬的处境。本文首先介绍了自治价值在公司章程中的体现,然后对公司章程现状进行剖析,并提出实现公司章程自治价值的可行性办法。  相似文献   
五四的知识分子的经历大都有弃医从文的现象,以此为切入点来探讨这批知识分子在面对现代文明与传统文化时的复杂态度.并试图通过还原历史语境的方式来阐释出他们从反传统到返传统的逻辑理路。  相似文献   
中国古代建筑非常重视"象",但"象"大多依循程式,述而不作。因建筑之"象"既是视觉的社会建构之物,也是社会的视觉建构中介。"象"致力于成为生产"凝视"的欲望机器,而"象"的生成与传播又建基于由"礼"衍生的"数"、"位"、"文"。因此,它们分别担当了建筑凝视中的形塑机制、结构技术、话语背景角色。  相似文献   
古代社会解决纠纷的途径多种多样,调解作为其中一种主要方式有着举足轻重的作用。在介绍中国传统调解制度的类型及特点的基础上,探讨传统调解制度对于古代封建社会的价值所在,认为其虽然存在一定的缺点,但是其有益的部分对我国当前的纠纷解决机制的完善有很大的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
Barbara Brenner, JD, was the Executive Director of Breast Cancer Action (BCA) from 1995–2010. Before that, she was a longtime activist in the anti-war movement and an attorney who, for most of her career, practiced public policy law. After she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993 at the age of 41, she took the helm of BCA. Under her leadership, the organization moved into a position of national advocacy—demanding research on the causes and prevention of breast cancer, including the role of industrial pollutants. Barbara started the “Think Before You Pink” campaign, encouraging people to question whether companies that display pink ribbons actually produce products that harm women's health or generate any funds to fight breast cancer. Her blog, “Healthy Barbs,” challenged readers to critique routine healthcare practices and policies. Barbara received numerous awards, including a Jefferson Award for Public Service in 2007, the Smith College Medal in 2012, and the ACLU-Northern California's Lola Hanzel Courageous Advocacy Award in 2012. Barbara had a recurrence of breast cancer in 1996. She died of complications associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS, on May 10, 2013.  相似文献   
Researchers recommend the use of pictographs in medical risk communication to improve people's risk comprehension and decision making. However, it is not yet clear whether the iconicity used in pictographs to convey risk information influences individuals’ information processing and comprehension. In an eye‐tracking experiment with participants from the general population (N = 188), we examined whether specific types of pictograph icons influence the processing strategy viewers use to extract numerical information. In addition, we examined the effect of iconicity and numeracy on probability estimation, recall, and icon liking. This experiment used a 2 (iconicity: blocks vs. restroom icons) × 2 (scenario: medical vs. nonmedical) between‐subject design. Numeracy had a significant effect on information processing strategy, but we found no effect of iconicity or scenario. Results indicated that both icon types enabled high and low numerates to use their default way of processing and extracting the gist of the message from the pictorial risk communication format: high numerates counted icons, whereas low numerates used large‐area processing. There was no effect of iconicity in the probability estimation. However, people who saw restroom icons had a higher probability of correctly recalling the exact risk level. Iconicity had no effect on icon liking. Although the effects are small, our findings suggest that person‐like restroom icons in pictographs seem to have some advantages for risk communication. Specifically, in nonpersonalized prevention brochures, person‐like restroom icons may maintain reader motivation for processing the risk information.  相似文献   
党天正 《唐都学刊》2012,28(5):69-72
连云栈道是古代通行汉中和巴蜀的重要栈道之一,素以恢宏险峻而名驰天下。作为古代的交通要津,它承载着极为厚重的历史文化信息,记录着王朝兴废的更迭嬗变,演绎出一幕幕惊心动魄、可歌可泣的历史活剧,雄杰之士为之折腰,骚人墨客赋咏不绝。或直笔正描,赞叹栈道的奇伟险绝;或托物兴感,展示坎坷不遇的失意情怀;或触景生情,抒发古今变异、世事沧桑、兴亡倏忽的人生感触;或侧写旁点,表现伤时念乱的时代忧患意识,显示出多元的艺术视野。  相似文献   
以《寻隐者不遇》为例,从叙事视角、叙事方式、叙事结构、叙事策略和叙事意象等方面来考查原文的叙事要素和叙事特征,在对比WitterBynner,BurtonWatson,吴钧陶,王大濂,孙大雨,万昌盛、王倘中,许渊冲等译者的七个英译文本叙事翻译质量的基础上,进行叙事翻译补偿。  相似文献   
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